MSG And James Dolan's Facial Recognition Technology is Pissing Important People Off

ANGELA WEISS. Getty Images.

NY Post- Elected officials are warning Madison Square Garden Entertainment to stop using “terrifying” facial recognition software to boot rival attorneys from venues like Radio City Music Hall – or risk losing valuable public support critical to its bottom line.

Several local pols suggested the company’s continued use of the controversial tech could jeopardize its public support – including a $43 million state tax abatement, liquor licenses and a city permit “expiring” this year that allows the arena to have more than 2,500 seats.

“We are gravely concerned that MSG Entertainment is using facial recognition technology against its perceived legal enemies, which is extremely problematic because of the potential to chill free speech and access to the courts,” reads a letter released Sunday by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, state Sens. Liz Krueger, Brad Hoylman-Sigal and other electeds.

“As a place of public accommodation, MSG Entertainment has a legal obligation to NewYorkers and the general public to protect them against discrimination and cease harassing them,” it states.

If you remember , I wrote about this technology not too long ago.

Now it's got Dolan in hot water with politicians, stating patrons should be entitled to privacy. So much so that it may cost him when he needs it the most. The lease for the building is up this year, and Dolan needs to make friends not enemies. 

Listen, you can feel however you want about this technology but if Dolan is going to screw around and mess up the location of The Garden and potentially cause it to be moved, he's really not smart. The Garden is the best because the the location, and how accessible it is for people from EVERYWHERE to get to. Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, SI, and even Connecticut. It also just went through a major renovation. Moving is bad for business. Dolan better back off the technology if he wants to keep that money he loves so much in his pocket. 

Lastly, if Dolan screws up me seeing Billy Joel at the Garden again I'll hate him more than I already do. 

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